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Programming Rust

Memory Safety at Compile Time in Rust

In the dynamic landscape of programming languages, memory safety has always been a critical concern. The quest for systems programming languages that balance performance with safety has led many developers to explore Rust, a language that takes a distinctive approach by ensuring memory safety at compile time. Rust, stands out for its innovative approach to […]

Web development

Internationalization(i18n) and Localization(L10n) in Web Development

In our increasingly connected world, web developers face the challenge of creating websites and applications that cater to diverse audiences speaking different languages and following various cultural norms. This is where internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) come into play, ensuring that your web applications are not just functional but also accessible to a global user […]


New System.Collections.Frozen namespace in .NET 8

The .NET 8 release introduces a new namespace, System.Collections.Frozen, which provides two new immutable collection types: FrozenDictionary<TKey, TValue> and FrozenSet<T> These types are designed for scenarios where collections are created infrequently but are used frequently at runtime. They offer excellent lookup performance and are ideal for cases where a collection is created once, potentially at […]


Do not throw Exceptions in C#

Exception handling is a crucial aspect of software development, and the concern about its performance implications is valid. In this blog post, we’ll explore the idea of avoiding exceptions to control the flow of code in C# and opting for alternative approaches to achieve the same results more efficiently. We’ll delve into why exceptions can […]
